Top 10 Amazing Benefits Of Giloy Leaves As Home Remedy

What is Giloy? 

The benefits of giloy leaves are tremendous.  It enhances your body’s disease fighting capacity specially bacterial and viral ailments. The scientific name for Giloy is Tinospora Cordifolia. Its other names are also Gulbel , Godhuchi and Amrita. It is a large shrub with several elongated twining branches. It has simple leaves. This plant is deciduous, extensively-spreading and climbing and it requires a lot of area to grow fully. It has flowers which are unisexual, small on separate plants. 

It is slowly gaining popularity in all parts of the world because of preventive and clinical medicine. It is one of the wonder herbs from the family of homemade remedies from Ayurveda. Giloy tablets of various brands are easily available from pharmaceutical companies. Patanjali Giloy Ghanvati is one such brand of Giloy tablets, which is easily available at nearby drug stores all over India. All these tablets have main ingredient as Giloy Leaves.

What is its role in Ayurveda?

As per  traditional Ayurveda, Giloy is considered to be one of the three Amrit plants. The meaning of amrit is  “nectar of God”. It is also known as “Amritavalli” because of its healing properties.

It has been very well documented in Ayurvedic literature and books. The scientific studies also have concluded that it has properties of Immunomodulatory, Hepatoprotective, Cardioprotective, Anti Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Analgesic effect. It is used as a Rasayana or rejuvenator and an immunity booster for patients suffering with chronic diseases.

What are the health benefits of Giloy leaves for daily consumption?

Since Giloy is an immunity enhancing herb for the body,  It should not be consumed without consulting the doctor or the physician of Ayurveda. As per Ayurvedic practitioners , a person should not consume more that 20 gm of Giloy in a day. Even if consumption is done in juice format, it should not exceed 20 ml per day.  It also helps in fighting COVID-19 and other viral infections by building immunity.It is very helpful in the times of pandemic when the whole world is suffering from corona virus and other fungal infections like black fungus, white fungus and other immune suppressing infections. 

Excess consumption of Giloy leaves can harm the body also.

The biggest advantage of daily consumption of Giloy is that of an increase in immunity to fight various bacterial and viral diseases. It is another alternative for Vitamin C for immunity enhancement .It is one of the best immunity boosters without having any side effects. As the primary purpose of this is to keep immunity at optimum level, it can be used as a preventive home remedy for chikungunya , dengue , malaria, colds  and other viral fevers.

The other methods of enhancing immunity is that of consumption of citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. This can also be consumed by anaemic people as a home remedy to increase Red Blood Cells (RBC).

If consumed in powder format with castor oil , it really helps for people suffering from pain in joints or arthritis. It is advised as a home remedy for people suffering from a sedentary lifestyle for lethargy. For people having type 2 diabetes , it keeps blood sugar level at optimum level and it is one of the best home remedies for controlling diabetes without allopathic medicines.

It can also be applied as a home remedy for eye disorders. The only difference is that it should not be taken as internally , but applied externally on the eyes.  The mixture of 11.5 grams of Giloy juice with 1 gram of honey and 1 gram of rock salt can be applied on the eyes. If done regularly as a home remedy, it helps in improving eyesight with better vision.

Mark it as a home remedy to consume for digestive problems, also. The regular consumption  of Giloy cures any problems related to digestion and stomach. For stomach related disorders , it should be consumed as a mixture of Giloy , Atish or Ativisha , ginger root , in equal quantities. This mixture should be boiled before consumption. It can also be used as a home remedy for Jaundice and piles.

What are the side effects of Giloy consumption?

There are no major side effects of consumption of Giloy or Guduchi. However, anything excess is harmful as per universal law. Giloy or Guduchi is also not an exception.

It should be consumed in moderate quantities by people who have a weak digestive system.  It may trigger constipation in the long term. It is advised to consult a qualified ayurvedic practitioner for the dosage and quantity to be consumed.

How to procure Giloy to use as home made remedy?

Giloy can be obtained in juice format, in mixture format or as tablets which are sold by Ayurveda medicine companies. The other method of getting Giloy is that of contacting a herb nursery and buying the complete plant itself. If you are an enthusiastic herbal gardener or passionate about kitchen gardening , you can harvest Giloy plants yourself.


The benefits of giloy leaves as a home made remedy are following:

  1. Bacterial and Viral Fevers
  2. Lack of Immunity
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Stomach Digestive Problems
  5. Piles
  6. Jaundice
  7. Weak Eyesight
  8. Impotence & Premature Ejaculation
  9. Cold & Flu
  10. Flu Related Viral Fevers

But go slow and consume moderately !!!


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